Monday, June 20, 2011

Pearson Brown English Lesson -Bring Phrasal Verbs

Bring Phrasal Verbs

If you ‘bring something about’, you cause it to happen.

* How can we bring about change in this old-fashioned company?
* We need to bring about a change in attitude.

If you ‘bring someone along’ with you, they come with you.

* I want to bring along John to the meeting, if that is OK.
* Why not bring Simon along, if he’s interested?

If something ‘brings back’ memories, it reminds you of the past.

* That photo brings back memories of our visit to Thailand.
* Meeting him brought back memories of when we worked together.

If you ‘bring down’ a price, you reduce it.

* We need to bring down the price to something more affordable.
* They’re bringing down the price of all their cars.

If you ‘bring forward’ a meeting, you arrange it for an earlier time.

* I want to bring forward the meeting to Tuesday.
* Can we bring forward the meeting by an hour?

If you ‘bring someone in on’ a discussion, you ask them to join in with your discussion.

* I want to bring in John on this as he is an expert.
* We need to bring in an outside consultant.

If you ‘bring out’ a new product, you introduce it to the market.

* I hear they have brought out a new model.
* We’re bringing it out early next year.

If you ‘bring someone round’, you persuade them.

* He was against the idea but Sally brought him round.
* How can we bring him round?

If you ‘bring up’ a subject, you mention it.

* Mark brought up the problem with the heating.
* Any other problems that you want to bring up?

If you ‘bring on’ somebody, you train them to be better.

* Martin always brings on the trainees really well.
* We try to bring on people quickly and promote them.


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